Sangre de Cristo Mountains near the junction of US-160 and CO-150 L XL headers |
Mountains and the end of the dunes by Medano Creek L XL headers |
One of the tallest dunes L XL headers |
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Trails and distant hikers on the dunes L XL headers |
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Oasis Motel. Two rooms over a mile from anywhere else. The other one was empty. L XL headers |
Late afternoon view from outside the motel L XL headers |
Low evening sun over the plains L XL headers |
Sun setting behind mountains across the San Luis Valley L XL headers |
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Last glimpse of the sun L XL headers |
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Evening light behind the dunes L XL headers |
In spring, the waters of Medano Creek flow through here, but not in September L XL headers |
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A tough climb through the soft sand on this ridge L XL headers |
Wind whips up the sand on a peak L XL headers |
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Lone figure atop a nearby dune L XL headers |
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Sand mountain in front of a real mountain L XL headers |
Western dunes and distant San Luis Lakes L XL headers |
Sangre de Cristo mountains behind the dunefield L XL headers |
Ridge among the lower dunes L XL headers |
Windswept plants L XL headers |
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